About Us
We are an amateur theatre group specialising in performing the works of Gilbert and Sullivan. Our Members range from the under 18s to the over 80s and we are always welcome to old hands and new faces.
Our activities
We perform one annual production in the second week of March (rehearsals running from the end of August). We also have an annual Summer concert in early June (rehearsing from a couple of weeks after the main show) in the Old Kirk, Kirkcaldy.
When we're not rehearsing or performing we also have social events including barbecues, ceilidhs, Carol singing, quiz nights and video evenings.
Cast of "The Gondoliers" in 1950 (above) and 2020 (below)
First year in the Society - £50
Full Sub - £80
Non Playing/Wing singer - £40
Student/unemployed - £20
Child (under 16 years) - £10
Costume fee (due by end January) - £30